Welcome to the Computer Assisted-Molecular Design (CAMD) Lab

You can find us at the Department of Biomolecular Sciences at the University of Urbino.

The team is headed by Giovanni Bottegoni, who has a strong background in computational medicinal chemistry both in academic and industrial contexts.

Our expertise covers various molecular modeling techniques including docking, structure-based drug design, molecular dynamics and enhanced sampling simulations, homology modeling, QSAR, pharmacophore modeling and ligand optimization. Our area of interest also focuses on developing and implementing machine learning and deep learning algorithms.

The approach of the research group is focused on the development and application of innovative methodologies to the field of drug discovery.

Our current projects address several topics such as the research of novel treatments for CNS disorders and developing protocols for polypharmacology approaches.

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“For we put the thought of all that we love into all that we make.”